CyberParks Finals: co-creation, big data, and the future of digitally enhanced public spaces

CyberParks Finals
co-creation, big data, and the future of
digitally enhanced public spaces


ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Siemensstrasse 27 - 10551 Berlin, Germany


The final event of the COST Action TU1306 CyberParks: Fostering Knowledge about the Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Public Spaces is an international and interdisciplinary scientific conference that invites both scholars and practitioners to reflect on how information and communication technologies (ICT) re-configurate the production and use of public space(s). Thinking within the conceptual nexus between the notions of place, technology, and society, the CyberParks network reflects on the innovations, potentials, and productive patterns that ICTs are introducing to the design/creation, use, and management of public spaces. In the conference, the results of the 4-years network will be discussed and paired with invited keynote lectures, a Pecha Kucha presentation of design projects addressing the relation between digital media and public spaces, and a workshop conducted with the Flussbad Berlin project.


The keynote speeches address two issues of the CyberParks agenda in particular: firstly the conflict between data privacy/sovereignty and the institutional and/or private ownership of data and digital infrastructure under the paradigm of what has come to be called platform capitalism. And secondly, in accord with CyberParks' objective of fostering practical solutions, the implementation of networked e-mobilty in the infrastructural and public spaces of cities.

  1. Dr Benjamin Seibel "The death and life of a smart city"
    Technologie Stiftung Berlin.DE
  2. Prof Mikael Wiberg “Media, materiality & mediation - On digital transformation of public places”
    Umeå University, Umeå.SE
  3. Dr Tim Lehmann "Autonomous shared electric cars for a liveable public space"
    Institut Urbane Mobilität Berlin.DE
  4. Timo Daum "Smart Cities - the triumph of capitalist platform logic?"
    2PIR, Berlin.DE
  5. Dr Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza "WeLive: public administration’s stakeholders empowerment and the prosumer approach”
  6. Prof Christian Ulrik Andersen "The urban metainterface and its messy openness"
    Aarhus University, Aarhus.DK


The session about the Flussbad Berlin Project will take place at the project site, the waterside of the Spree river in Berlin Mitte, in the so called Flussbad Garden. Besides a tour through the project and its history, issues related to the ongoing research will be discussed with participants in this session, using a hands-on approach within the intervention areas that are planned to lead the transformation of a part of the Spree river into an accessible public water space. The discussion will include current planning approaches as well as the enabling mechanisms for the public by intertwining regulated scientific research and communication strategies.

PECHA KUCHA SESSION - Design projects at the intersection of digital media and public spaces

To open up and connect the conference to the wider Berliner public, this part of the conference is dedicated to the presentation of art, design, research projects and ideas dealing with the intertwining of ICT on the production of public spaces, their use and appropriation.
This session will discuss sustainable and inspiring projects - both already implemented/realised and planed ones, and from ideas through theoretical to fictional ones – that address the role and impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the production of public space(s).
The topics and presenters are listed in the conference programme.


Download the Conference Programme


Field trip: Inner City Spree River

The field trip "Inner City Spree River" by boat along the Spree River (approx. 3 hours) will be organised in the evening of April 11th, 2018 – cost 50€ per person including a dinner (no fee for CyberParks members). Please register for each person to participate in the field trip.